Breaking News – White House Pulls Controversial ATF Nominee

Multiple sources have told Politico, The Washington Post, and CNN the White House plans to withdraw his nomination after failing to garner 50 votes in the Senate. Chipman was unable to secure support from even the Democratic caucus after a contentious confirmation hearing and a series of Reload stories on allegations of racism on his part coming from former ATF agents.

Holosun A.E.M.S. – An ARBuildJunkie Q&A with Steve “Yeti” Fisher

With the announcement of the Holosun A.E.M.S. or the Advanced Enclosed Micro Sight, we reached out to Steve “Yeti” Fisher of Sentinel Concepts, who has been using the new LED optic for several months. Fisher is our go-to source to learn about upcoming optics, and we wanted to get his first, but certainly not final, impressions of the new optic, learn about some of the features, and what firearms he feels the optic would be suited for.

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