Daniel Shaw on ARs & Leaving Your Comfort Zone

We recently sat down with Daniel Shaw to discuss his time in the Marine Corps, his feelings on the AR-15, as well as the obvious, and sometimes not so obvious, benefits of firearms training.

Warrior Poet Society – Mindset with John Lovell

We recently spoke with John Lovell about the important conversations that he’s having over at Warrior Poet Society. While we all love ARs, there is most certainly a mindset side that we should not ignore, especially since so many of us have chosen these firearms as a means to protect our homes and families from harm.

AR15Buildersforum.com Re-Launches

With more and more firearms-focused Facebook pages being deleted without warning daily, one of the largest AR-focused pages (76,000+ members) AR15 Builders Forum has announced a re-launch to ensure the the AR Build community it has grown does not vanish due to the whims of some faceless, anti-2A Facebook employee.

Bill Blowers of Tap-Rack Tactical on SWAT & ARs

We recently reached out to Bill Blowers of Tap-Rack Tactical to discuss how his training company started, common misconceptions about SWAT, the transition he saw with the MP5 to the AR-15, and some of his current favorite ARs.

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