ATF Releases Guidelines ‘Factoring Criteria for Firearms with Pistol Stabilizing Braces’

Photo by GunDMC

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) has released new guidelines for determining whether a firearm with a pistol stabilizing brace should be classified as a short-barreled rifle. The rule, known as “Factoring Criteria for Firearms with Pistol Stabilizing Braces,” sets out specific criteria that the ATF will use to make this determination. The ATF has submitted this Pistol Brace Final Rule to the Federal Register.

The gist is contained in the following paragraph…

“Any weapons with “stabilizing braces” or similar attachments that constitute rifles under the NFA must be registered no later than 120 days after date of publication in the Federal Register…or the short barrel removed and a 16-inch or longer rifle barrel attached to the firearm; or permanently remove and dispose of, or alter, the “stabilizing brace” such that it cannot be reattached, or the firearm is turned in to your local ATF office. Or the firearm is destroyed.”

via The Reload:

Millions of Americans face the threat of federal felony charges over guns they purchased legally thanks to a new rule released by the ATF.

The agency announced plans to publish the final version of their rule reclassifying pistol braces, a popular firearm accessory, on Friday. The rule, which President Joe Biden requested as part of his efforts to unilaterally reform gun laws, would effectively ban the use of braces unless registered with the ATF. Anyone who does not comply with the rule could be subject to upwards of ten years in federal prison despite the agency previously ruling the braces were legal multiple times over the past decade…

The rule faces substantial political opposition. In addition to the hundreds of thousands of public comments opposing the rule, nearly every member of the Senate Republican caucus sent a letter to Attorney General Garland demanding he withdraw of the rule during the summer.

Read full article here.

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