Strike Industries – Quality, Affordable Stocks, Muzzle Devices and More for your AR Build

ARBuildJunkie recently sat down with Joshua Reed, Outside Sales/LE and Military Subject Matter Expert at Strike Industries to discuss the company, some of its most popular items, and what the state of the industry is in his view.  He also helps us put together an ideal build for someone new to ARs.

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Q:  Can we start with a bit of brief background on Strike Industries?

A:  The company is just about 8 years old.  The first product we came out with were actually 1911 grips.  It was a product we desired for our own guns, but we wanted something that wasn’t going to cost us 100 bucks a pop.  Once we started doing it, the innovation started happening.  First, it was golf ball dimples.  We found these had a bit of a different style that helped the grip a bit.

Strike Industries 1911 PX™-09 Standard Size - BMC (Golf Ball Dimple Pattern) - MSRP - $29.95
Strike Industries 1911 PX™-09 Standard Size – BMC (Golf Ball Dimple Pattern) – MSRP – $29.95

From then on, the joke in the company is “too many beers, too many bar napkins.”  But, in many ways, it seems to not be a joke anymore.  Every day we are coming in with new stuff. We source ideas from everyone in the company.  Everyone can come to our design team to try to make something work.

That said, what a lot of people see on our Instagram page, or on our website is the rapid pace that we put stuff out at.  But they don’t get to see the work that goes into it behind the scenes. 

Obviously, the first thing that happens is some sort of concept. That’s where the bar napkin joke comes in.  These ideas can come from anywhere.  From there, an initial rough drawing is done. What we’re looking for is: what is the heart of the function of that product?

Because, you can make a product that looks good, but if it doesn’t have a function, there’s no point in it. 

That said, you can make a product that functions great that looks like dirt and nobody wants it. 

You can make a product that functions well and looks good, but costs a million dollars and no one is able to buy it.

So once we have the rough drawing, we then try to figure out what the sweet spot is, what are we trying to get out of it, and how can we make it work. Because of this approach, I believe we have a dollar-to-quality value that is very unique.

I must also point out that our design team at Strike Industries is also great.  Of course, we give our ideas to our engineers that make it work well.  But, then we give it to our designers.  They are the ones that make it look like a Strike Industries product.   Our designers have just such a flair for picking out the right view on something and making it look special.  You do end up buying things based on looks.  Looks are not everything, but it is nice when you spend money to have it look nice. 

Strike Industries Forward Assist Kit - MSRP - $18.95
Even the Forward Assist Kit looks cool…Strike Industries Forward Assist Kit – MSRP – $18.95

Q: Your stocks are very unique.  Let’s start with the Strike Industries Viper Stock.  Why would someone go with this stock versus some of your other offerings?

Strike Industries Viper MOD-1 Stock - MSRP - $49.95
Strike Industries Viper MOD-1 Stock – MSRP – $49.95

A: When we take a look at the stocks we offer, our flagship is the Viper.  It is a lightweight, good strength, comfortable stock, whether you are shooting with a bare chest or with plates.

The Viper is something that if I am building a good standard rifle, something that is a patrol rifle, or if its something I am going to have my kids learn to shoot on, or if I just want a comfortable stock – this is going to be the one I go to.

Q: A lot of builders love the look and function of the Viper PDW Stock, which is different from the Viper.  How do you see that being used?

Strike Industries Viper PDW Stock - MSRP - $274.95
Strike Industries Viper PDW Stock – MSRP – $274.95

A: My favorite without a doubt is our Viper PDW stock.  I have the longest-serving prototype on one of my guns that has 14,000 rounds through it, and it just fits me perfect.  When it is in retraction it works perfect for me for trying to get shots out quickly.  Then once I get it sprung out to its full length, it’s amazing.  I love it and I can’t say enough about it.  If you are building an SBR, or something that you want to have the ability to do short stowage on, the Viper PDW is one of the best things you can choose.

On the way…the Viper PDW Stabilizer.  We anticipate this being a very popular stabilizer once released sometime in 2018.  Photo by @battleborn 

Also, in regards to the Viper PDW, we are very excited to now have a stabilizer version that we are starting orders on soon.  People have been waiting on it.  So, if you want an AR pistol, and you want the ability to shoot in that closed option, or open it up to that full arm stabilizer position, that’s going to be a great one to choose.

Q: The Pit Viper was released not long ago.  Where does that fit into your lineup of stocks?  Also, it’s got a very unique look to it.  Is it comfortable to shoot?

A: Our Pit Viper stock is a 3-postion adjustable, extremely lightweight aluminum minimalist stock.  We made it because people want to get the weight of their rifle down.  They want it very comfortable, yet very lightweight.

It only works with our enhanced buffer tube, because to get it that small and to have it have strength back there, we had to do a secondary rail in that buffer tube…so you can buy that in a package set. 

And yes, people ask how comfortable it is because it looks like a cheese grater. Well, I shot it on a video shoot, I put 800 rounds through it with no issues whatsoever.

Q:  Strike Industries has released a lot of muzzle devices. What should builders steer towards in a new AR build?

Strike Industries Cookie Cutter Comp for .308/300BLK/7.62 - MSRP - $59.95
Strike Industries Cookie Cutter Comp for .308/300BLK/7.62 – MSRP – $59.95

A:  If we got known for any muzzle device it would be our Cookie Cutter.  It is made for SBRs, AR pistols, any short system throwing a lot of gas forward.  It allows all that gas to get pushed out and away.  It is loud, it is obnoxious, and it throws fireballs, and makes cool Instagram videos.  Anyway, that’s the one that got our name known, but we must have made over 20 different muzzle breaks.  We’ve discontinued a few as we’ve come out with better ones.

Strike Industries JCOMP Gen2 - MSRP - $39.95
Strike Industries JCOMP Gen2 for 5.56 – MSRP – $39.95

As far as ones that get a lot of recognition today, the J-Comp is outstanding and makes a very flat shooting gun.

Strike Industries King Comp Compensator for 300BLK/.308/7.62
Strike Industries King Comp Compensator for 300BLK/.308/7.62 – MSRP – $44.95

That said, our King Comp is one I shoot the most.  It is double chambered and has a really good signature to it.  It gives you a real flat shooter that you can rip rounds out as fast as you want with zero issues.

Q:  Finally, what is the idea behind your Oppressor, which we see on quite a few shorter builds.

A:  With our muzzle breaks, as you shorten your AR pistols and SBRs, the sound signatures are getting higher and higher.  People can take damage from concussion and hearing. We came out…originally we had manufactured an OEM for another company…one of the first concussion reduction devices.

Strike Industries Oppressor Concussion Reduction Device - MSRP - $105.95
Strike Industries Oppressor Concussion Reduction Device – MSRP – $105.95

Last year, we came out with our Oppressor.  This is a blast shield that works with five of our different muzzle breaks.  I tend to go for a triple or double chamber because I get a lot of flatness in shooting, then I put a concussion reduction device on it.

Q:  As a company known for a lot of innovation and creativity, where do you see the market heading?  Any trends you anticipate?

A:  Ages ago, there were only a few big companies, and you couldn’t get a gun anywhere else.  10-15 years ago, when people realized that anyone with a machine shop could apply for an FFL and become a manufacturer,  we saw this explosion in the market…Tons of different shops, parts coming out, and the buying atmosphere was intense.  With that, a lot of innovations happened left, right, and center.  That said…Lately, I think I see a retraction in the industry and I, think consumers are getting very aware of quality.

So, what we are going to see is a better price for better quality.  Also, I think you will see a lot of companies come out and make whole new avenues that will include more innovation, and that will allow us to go ahead and accessorize even cooler guns.

Sig Sauer MCX

For example, right now I have a Sig Sauer MCX right next to me that I am playing with because…why not make parts for it?  I could go on listing every gun that I want to make parts for, and that makes me excited.  Its great for guys like me because we get to engage and just be gun nerds.

Q:  Finally, any advice for a new builder?

A:  If I was talking to a brand new builder, I would say let’s keep it basic.  Let’s go ambidextrous safety, 16” barrel, nice muzzle break that’s going to make it pleasant to shoot, so throw a J Comp on there.

I’d do a free float rail on there.  Probably a 13.5 or so.  So you’re getting a standard build. Finally, just a Viper stock on the back with a standard buffer tube.

There’s no reason a new builder has to put together a $3,000 rifle.  I’d rather them put money into ammo and training, get good and maybe take some friends shooting. That’s what we need.

A Strike Industries equipped rifle in action at the range…

We need the excitement of the ability to get good at a skill, and that’s what firearms are….its just a skill, these are just tools. We just need people to understand the responsibility and the enjoyment,  and the enjoyment of being responsible for yourself.

Tremendous thanks to Joshua Reed, Outside Sales/LE and Military Subject Matter Expert at Strike Industries for taking the time to speak to us for this interview.

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How much the ar 15

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